With the implementation of Devolution plan, the
Health Department at District level has been
reorganized and structured in a fashion to provide
comprehensive medical care to the people both
curative and preventive, main emphasizes has been
laid on the preventive services, which are being
provided to the community at their door steps.
The major policy decisions i.e. planning of health
services, developmental activities, recruitment of
paramedics, doctors, specialists, procurement of
medicine and equipment has become District Govt.
subject. All the aforesaid activities have been
addressed to in a befitting manner, tremendous
success have been achieved and national health
policy for fist time has been translated in to the
operational form. Capacity building of the staff
through training’s, seminars and workshops have
been improved.
Untitled Document
Total Area
24,830 sq km
Total Population
Urban : Rural:
Male :Female
Month Children
44756 (1.6%)
6-11 Month Children
41958 (1.5%)
12-59 Month Children
447555 (12.9%)
Under One year Population
86714 (3.1%)
Under 5 year Population
4,34435 (16)
Under 15 year Population
1258750 (45%)
Women of Child bearing age
615389 (22)
Married C.B.A
447555 (16%)
Pregnant Women
106294 (3.8%)
Annual Population Growth rate
3.2 %
Infant Mortality Rate
65/1000 Live Birth
Maternal Mortality Rate
2.85/1000 Live Birth
Anemic Mother
45 %
Infant Mal Nutrition
48 %
Doctor : Population
1:16787 Except BVH
Hospital Bed : Population
Population Using Health Facilities
EDO (Health) is the administrative and financial
head of the Health Department . The Department
consists of more than three thousand employees
including specialists, public health physicians,
community health experts , hospital and health
administrators, medical officers , women medical
officers and paramedics of all type along with
office establishment staff.
It has 155 health facilities including 4 THQ
Hospitals, 10 Rural Health Centers, 71 BHUs, 5
Dispensaries, 10 MCH Centers , 51 Zila Council
Dispensaries, 1 Police Hospital and 2 T.B.
1. Treatment of major and minor ailments.
2. Provision of Primary Health care
3. Prevention of Communicable Diseases
4. T.B & DOTS
5. Expanded Programme of Immunization/ Vaccination
6. Eradication / Control of Malarial Disease
7. Health Management Information System
8. Health Education and Health Promotion
9. Diagnostic Facilities
10. Procurement of Medicine
11. Recruitment of Staff
12. Medico-legal & Postmortem Services.
13. Sanitation
14. Spurious Drug Control
15. Quackery Control
16. Polio Eradication Initiative
17. AFP Surveillance
18. Prevention of STIs , HIV / AIDS
19. Control of Epidemics
20. Food Adulteration
21. Drug Abuse Control and Rehabilitation
22. Developmental Schemes
23. National Programme for FP & PHC
24. Reproductive Health / MCH Services
25. Maternal Neonatal Tetanus Control
26. Mobile Health Services (Mobile Dispensaries)
27. Crisis / Disasters and Evacuation Plan
28. Flood Relief Activities
29. Assistance of WHO , UNICEF others International
Health Agencies
30. Inter-sectoral coordination
31. Iodine Deficiency Disorders
32. Early Child Care Development
33. Nursing Care Services
34. Epidemiological Surveys
35. Research
36. Capacity Building of Staff through DHDC
With the implementation of devolution plan, the
procurement of medicines has become District
Government subject. By virtue of decentralization
of this policy, the medicines have been purchased
according to local need and demand, quality of
medicines is also ensured. The District Government
Bahawalpur purchased 121 different items of
medicines during the year 2001-2002 amounting to
Rs. 1,77,12,000 These medicines have been
distributed to THQ Hospitals, RHCs, BHUs,
Dispensaries and MCH Centres in Bahawalpur
District. For year 2002-2003, Rs. 1,50,26,000 is
allocated, rate contract has been finalized and
supply orders placed with the concerned firms for
161 items.
Recruitment of Doctors and Dental Surgeon
Under District Government, regular recruitment of
doctors and dental surgeons on contract basis is
going on. 83 Medical Officers , 22 Women Medical
Officers and 4 Dental Surgeons have been recruited
on contract basis for five years at THQ Hospitals,
RHCs and BHUs and Dispensaries, which would go a
long way in ameliorating a lot of poor patients
and would provide best possible medial care to the
ailing humanity.
Recruitment of Paramedics and others »
131 candidates have been selected for recruitment
on contact basis by the District Recruitment
Committee and the list of selected candidates has
been sent to the Government of the Punjab Health
Department for the issuance of appointment orders,
which is still awaited.
To provide the specialized care to the population
at gross root level, 12 Specialist doctors have
been recruited. Progress Report Of Drugs Inspectors District
Bahawalpur With Effect From January 2001 To
November, 2002
coverage of under 5 years children
100% provision of health care to CBA
100% coverage to control Iodine Deficiency
100% developmental care to child
provision of 100% curative services to the
100% capacity building of staff in service
including medical / para- medical staff.
Preparation the plan to cope up any untoward
Up gradation of health facility
Polio free since year 2001